Motivation and commitment are especially needed for keeping a blog up-to-date .... and these I have not managed to have over the last few months.
Stress eating has me stacking on the weight since I last wrote. Of course, when you feel FAT you loose self esteem, confidence and certainly motivation.
A week ago, I had a dear friend measure me .... cause I wanted to loose some of the blubber! Again, lacking motivation I thought "well this is going to be hard" ..... until Ellen measured my hips ..... OMG the tape measure didn't meet !!! Hells' bells !!!!! about three inches ...... and that was the clincher !! One week later the tape measure nearly meets .... yaaahhhhh (mind you I didn't loose much anywhere else)
Now I have joined Curves gym AGAIN, signed in yesterday and went for my first session this morning. Ern met me and we went to Allan's Bakery. I even took Chloe to doggie school but will be changing class to time to 9am next week.
My mum rang to ask how to post a picture to a blog. Whilst helping her, I decided to write something in my own blog ...... so here I am once again !!