2008 was a non-year .... and here we are in March 2009 and what have I been doing with my life??
Last April my husband, Ern (who has alzheimers) went missing for a couple of days just before ANZAC day. I had been taken to hospital with a possible heart complaint and Ern came with me in the ambulance. When we were told that I had to wait 12 hours for another blood test Ern went home. He was to book a taxi at the hospital reception desk, however, surveillance camera shows him leaving through the front door to ........... ??
26 hours later he was found 22kms from the hospital and no where near home. Apparently he walked all the way. It was a frantic 26 hours - I discharged myself from hospital - there was TV and radio coverage, helicopter surveillance and family, friends and neighbours looking for him.
He spent a week in hospital (badly cut from blackberry bushes, dehydration and kidney probs). His memory has deteriorated and I feel that I can't leave him for long periods of time. Yes I could get respite, but I just don't want to yet.
I have had to change my lifestyle greatly. I no longer go into my favourite place, The Handweavers and Spinners Guild of Vic. I miss my voluntry work there and especially my friends/members. I haven't done very much spinning either ..... until this year. I have knitted umpteen beanies for the Guild's charity "St Mary's House of Welcome" for the homless. So I still feel useful.
Early February 2009 Victoria experienced their worst bushfires in history. Over 200 people perished, whole towns burnt down and 2,000 homes destroyed which left thousands homeless. These fires changed many peoples' lives.
I personally didn't know anyone who perished. However, I look at things differently now. Amongst other things, just how much wool and fibre do I REALLY need?